## Running cityEHR Requires: * [Java](https://bell-sw.com/pages/downloads/#jdk-8-lts) 8+ The following configuration options are available when starting cityEHR and may be specified as either Environment Variables, Java System Properties, or Command Line Arguments: | Description | Environment Variable | Java System Property | Command Line Argument | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------|----------------------------------|----------------------------| | Set the TCP port number that cityEHR will listen on for HTTP requests (default: 8080) | CITYEHR_SERVER_HTTP_PORT | cityehr.server.http.port | --server-http-port | | Set the working directory for holding the server code and data | CITYEHR_SERVER_WORKING_DIRECTORY | cityehr.server.working-directory | --server-working-directory | | Set the log directory for holding the server log files | CITYEHR_SERVER_LOG_DIRECTORY | cityehr.server.log-directory | --server-log-directory | There are two options at present: 1. (Preferred) Run the stand-alone cityEHR Jar file that embeds Jetty Server. ```shell $ java -jar cityehr-standalone-jetty-1.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ``` Note: As the Jar file is stand-alone you can copy it to any location you prefer before running it. 2. Copy and deploy the WAR file `cityehr-webapp-1.8.0-SNAPSHOT.war` to `cityehr.war` inside your favourite Java EE server.