cityEHR 1.6 Released

Version 1.6 of cityEHR was released through sourceforge on 31st March. This version includes a number of new features and some bug fixes – it is the same version that is running in NHS hospitals as of March 2018. A summary of new features is reproduced below from the release notes.

V1.6 – New Features

System Level

  1. User passwords encrypted in database (if configured)
  2. Configurable password policy
  3. Check for expired password on sign-on

Information Models

  1. Support evaluation context in calculations
  2. New option DistinctValues in entry initialValue
  3. New option staticValue for elements

Clinical Data Entry (Forms, Letters, etc)

  1. Initial values of entry can be all ‘distinct values’

Patient Search

  1. Search time displayed only in debug mode

Cohort Search

  1. Search for ‘any value’
  2. Search data (i.e saved but not published) and archive for authorised users
  3. Include saved cohorts as search terms
  4. Search scope now included maximum, minimum
  5. Cohort analysis feature finds maximum, minimum, sum, average values for cohort


  1. No new or enhanced features

System Administration

  1. Manage password – uses password policy
  2. Manage records – improved merge/unmerge
  3. Manage records – archive/restore records
  4. Run XQuery – delete query prompts for confirmation